When I took this job as coach for the Thai team . . . and basically everyday since (at least for a minute or two), I have wondered what was going to happen when we got to Macau for the Olympic Asia Indoor Games.
In 2005 the first Asia Indoor Games was held in Suphanburi, Thailand - which is why our training facility (HOWEVER WELL USED) was there. Thailand was awarded two bronze medals that year.
We trained hard and often discussed what it takes to be at the top of the heap in order to be ready for this monumental undertaking . . . it was not in vein!
the competiton was fierce, but in the end our hard work and dedication has paid off with a respectable two SILVER medals!
Je won his medal in the park category with an array of flip-trickery including 360 flips and hard flip reverts over the hip. He effortlessly lipslid across an unreasonably long flat bar (bank to bank) and looked stylish and confident throughout his two finals runs.
Nut worked the three best trick stations over! On the hip he threw down nollie bigheelflips, nollie 270 heels and a perfect nollie backside flip. On the grind box (bank to bank), Nut did a ten foot backside nose grind to pop out and a lipslide to 50/50 to 180 out that was as smooth as if he was skating on teflon. The last station was the long hubba which he through down a respectable nollie noseslide the full length.
Es and Nui both skated their best as well and I felt so proud to be their coach!
These are some highlights from the Thailand team overall (unfortunately, there is no skateboarding action shots . . . I was busy pacing, cheering and being water-boy).

En route to Macau . . . coffee (and hot chocolate) break in Bangkok.

Wherever Thailand has a big event, a cheer troupe (of which these two belong) come out in full flair to hoot, holler, drum, chant, dance and basically prove that Thailand has spirit to spare!

On our way to the Opening Ceremony . . . this will be it's own entry when the pictures are resized (it was UNBELIEVABLE!!)

This is Jahm doing the high jump in the inline competition. I just want to state for the record that I am a skateboarder, but I can tell you without question . . . Jahm is nothing short of amazing I have spent months impressed by his ridiculous power and fearlessness. YOU ROCK JAHM!

I didn't get a good shot of the high jump for Bike, but these are are boys celebrating Gold and Silver in it . . . so imagine Jahm rplaced by a bike!

Our brother Ton!

This is the crew celebrating our first medal of the games. We dedicated our medals in part to my assistant coach Ton. Ton was informed that he would not be able to attend Asia Indoor Games a few days before he was to fly out with us to Macau. The arm bands are in Ton's honor and we wore them for the duration of the 2nd Asia Indoor Games . . . Ton, you are an awesome coach! You are family and you were missed brother! - YOUR TEAM

The two pictures above were shots that I took of Geng and Tee (pronounced Dee). They are the cornerstones of Thailands bike team and this high flying acrobatics is the norm for them . . . Rockstars!

Congratulations to my Thailand team! I couldn't have imagined just how much fun and fulfilling this adventure would be . . . It's so fun to have a bunch of Thai brothers! THAILAND REPRESENT!