Tuesday, August 12, 2008

8 demos left in Hong Kong! (HK part 3)

WOW! It's crazy to think that Andrew, Erik and I have knocked out 35 demos in the past twelve days. It's been quite an experience. You just cannot know all of the intensity both high and low that happens with this kind of a gig until you experience it first hand. For myself, it is something that I have always wanted to test myself with - HAVING to skateboard multiple times in a day as a job for an audience. As it winds down I can honestly say that I am really glad that I did it even though I maybe wouldn't take the opportunity again (I may actually be too old for this hahaha).
Someone was nice enough to create a little movie and put it on Youtube (thanks!). Andrew just found this on our break. It's got some funny randomness peep our antics -

I will throw some more videos up if we find them. Erik is not featured in this movie which is totally a shame because he really can do just about whatever he wants on the course. Stay tuned for that!
Here are some random demo photos. They are definately artsy due to the blurr factor, but it's what we got . . .

As you can probably see, we have a pretty good time. Thanks for the support friends family and passerbys alike! Bye for now!


Shrewgy said...

Keep the updates coming, whatever you are doing!

chelsa said...

Yes! I am so damn proud of you!
"Exterme sports" rule!
So many things about that video are awesome. (Even the date: 2008-08-08!)