With the exception of your memories, injuries and a room full of unpacked bags, one could argue that it never even happened . . .
Hong Kong was so amazing and so fulfilling - I am happy and totally sad to be home.
A very special thanks goes out to my new and toally awesome friend Kit at HKIT store. Kit and I got in contact about this trip just under one month before we were supposed to be doing shows, some how the fates let it be . . .
come to California soon Kit! I miss you already homeboy.
On our last demo day, some of the friends we'd made brought us some really thoughtful gifts and it was such a nice feeling to have been appreciated as much as we appreciated all of the support. Thanks for being super fans . . . we are totally flattered.
Joey Law's supercool video (THANKS!)
Creamy and Karen made me this sweet diorama with little skater figures in it and me as Batman on a skateboard (because I wore a t-shirt of Batman in a wheelchair). They also made picture books for each of us - far too kind ladies, thanks!
Nandita came to a few shows and brought family too. She was always really spirited and was a big supporter - THANKS SO MUCH!
O.K. that's about it for HK . . . I hope everyone had a good time checking out the scene!
Here are just a last couple of shots for fun -
Andrew, Erik and I doing a criss-cross dealy during the show
Some crazy 720 barrel roll thing by Bailey (the kid is nutty!)
These security guards had no love for us in the beginning . . . but I think they almost liked us in the end.
It was sad to leave Hong Kong and have such an exhilerating adventure come to an end. The one saving grace is my faith that there is always some crazy, new, unforseen experience right around the bend - which is why I remain charmed . . . I'm sure.
What an adventure huh.. The trip seemed long but not actually. Thanks for coming and you're very welcome to come back for holi or some more demos (bet you not HAHA!).
I am soooo glad that you love the video!!! hahaha~~~ Don't feel sad for leaving Hong kong, just remember to come back again!!! ha! =] You are welcomed for anytime!!!
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