Monday, September 3, 2007


When you have an exotic adventure, there are strange things all around you. Sometimes you can forget to mention the things that have become familiar . . . like ELEPHANTS IN THE STREETS!

In Suphan Buri, it is not uncommon to see an elephant with a blinker on his tail, mimmicking the more reasonable traffic. For 20 Baht (65 cents) you can buy some food to feed the elephants . . . really fun. Elephants are so incredible and this one had a great smile!

BONUS CREATURE! . . . Here is a Thailand spiked wharfing toad who I noticed drinking Leo brand beer out of a bottle cap. He flipped the cap over and played dumb when I tried to get proof, but he couldn't hide his drunk eyes.

1 comment:

chelsa said...

I love creatures! This is the best thing ever. For some reason these pictures made me cry with joy. (Awesome t-shirt honey. And awesome face Mike.) What are you feeding him?