Tuesday, September 25, 2007


We had an impromptu pool party last Friday and it was pretty fun . . . so we decided to have another one this weekend as a "coming to America" send off for the team.
We had a good time - music, drinks, swimming . . . the works!

Jahm, Fah, Ying and . . . (sorry Ji, I forgot your girls name) lounging.

Skateboarding coaches putting their heads together in an effort to make one good brain cel.

C-Zar does an Axl Rose impersonation while Note shows off his sixer.

P A R T Y!

Far east levatation trick

My posse!


chelsa said...

It's getting harder and harder to pick you out from a crowd of Thai skaters. You're mutating. And levitating (which is rad!).

dad said...

Hi Eric ;
Even when I'm not having fun I'm usually having fun. You seem to have raised even that bar.

b.art said...

I'm not even gonna say it.